Sunday, March 06, 2005

Here we go....

Yeah, so I really don't have that much time to do this, but we'll see what happens. I'm only starting it so I could post something on Tara's page, but we'll see what happens. I just said that. I'll probably say it again sometime before this mindless drivel comes to an end. Who knows? We'll see what happens. Told ya'. It feels like an "oh look, there goes one now" type of moment, but how do you do a Junior Asparagus voice with text? Obviously, we are getting to the point when Shawn needs to go to bed, because he's losing it. Ok, "losing" may not be the right tense, but the main idea is that Shawn has cracked. Probably his spleen. Cracking a spleen would probably hurt. A lot. Guess I dodged one there, then, didn't I? Lucky me. Maybe I can actually write an entire sentence before inserting a period. But probably not. Seems like a pretty shaky bet to make. I would have to call. Or reraise. Not all in, but definitely a big raise. I really need to go before the voices in my head start telling me to do things instead of simply insulting me and discussing the status of the color fuschia and its socio-political impacts in the nation of Ghana. Is Ghana even a nation anymore? I used to know....


Blogger spocktongue said...

The actual color is well determined, but there is quite the debate on it's socio-political impacts--not just in Ghana, but most of Africa and frankly most of the "other" side of the world. I just chose Ghana because it seemed to be a good representative of the debate, and they have killer sushi there and the water is cleaner than, say, mud. Although, from what I understand, discussing fuschia with a native from Ghana can be dangerous proposition...the main schools of thought right now are well-defined and very adamant in support of their positions.

9:49 AM  

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