Fishies Experiment, Part 2
So, I got a couple of fishies (for my *little* pond out back) this summer to see if they could last the summer. Actually, there were three nice goldfish and a few algae eaters (maybe 3 or 4 of them?). Now, unfortunately the water isn't the clearest, so I don't have a great view of how many may or may not still be alive, but I do know one thing--two of my algae eaters have kicked the can (can fishes kick?) this past week. Apparently freezing temperatures at night were too much for them. Now, as of a week ago I had at least one goldfish still alive, so we'll see. I think the little pond is deep enough not to freeze over through the winter, but we shall see about that, as well as how they handle a winter of cold. Regardless, it is sad to see my fishies pass away...
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