Sunday, February 19, 2006

Not on Monday

Since I always seem to write my blogs on Monday, I'm being stubborn...and writing it on Sunday night. So, 10 points for style, -5000 points for (Sunday night at 10:30pm isn't particularly ahead of the times).

Worse, I don't really have much to say. Playoff basketball starts on Tuesday with *two* games. Since it's been about two weeks since I've done anything athletic, I'm sure I won't be bothered by playing two different games in the matter of 5 hours.

On a positive note, my website is completey done, modulo a potential picture (which probably won't come until I shave the chin hairs...after it gets warmer than 7 degrees). Now if I can just get my letters of recommendations...

Oh yeah, and God is cool. Grace is cool. Power is cool.


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