Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Free stuff

So, one of the unknown perks of working at Sullivan--laptops for the teachers! Complete with DVD drive and wireless modem. Of course, there are the usual annoyances, and I can't change the desktop (it reverts back to "basic" when you log on at the HS's network). Plus, I can't input grades when I'm off the network... But still, a laptop for $0 is hard to complain about.

Now, for things to comlain about, my largest class is 27 students. Any guesses on how many desks Shawn has in his class? If you guessed 24, you win a bright, shiny, brand-new Corvette (some restrictions apply, see store for details). Since I probably won't get back to my room before school starts, here's to hoping they get put in before now and then...


Blogger petite américaine said...

I'd take a free laptop. So, does that mean that Shawn will be getting more than dialup after he finally moves in?

Sorry 'bout the desks. I guess you can let a few sit on the floor in the front of the room in stary-eyed admiration of their wonderful teacher. ;)

(What do these admins think, anyway??)

5:59 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Actually, I don't know what this means in terms of internet. I had convinced myself that I would get more than dial-up, but if I can just go to the local starbucks or something for free(?), maybe I won't have to now. Of course, that would make it hard to download iTunes songs...

7:01 PM  
Blogger petite américaine said...

ha ha! yeah, and iTunes is definately a priority! ;) Just ask Greg!

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that class of 27 your 5th hour geometry class??? I actually have no idea. I was just in that one.

11:52 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Nope, 6th hour algebra 2. Actually, this year I have 30 in a class, so I had to get even more desks. Even scarier, I don't have place to for 30 of them is just sitting in front of my window.

8:08 AM  

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