Monday, January 14, 2008

Freakin' cold

The title has nothing to do with this post, I just wanted to complain about how freakin' cold it is.

Had a very interesting conversation yesterday about God's place in a marriage. And it's not necessarily something I didn't know, but to hear it said, to hear it to be "ok," and to see people who live that way, it's really cool. When "leaders" of the house church I attend get stressed, get excited, get confused, or any other pertinent emotion/verb strikes them, they don't go to the other. They go to God. I know God is supposed to number one, even above a spouse (maybe especially above a spouse), but to see someone attest to that and really live that is pretty cool. And encouraging--that it's possible to achieve the thing I'm striving for and do so within the contexts of a marriage, something else that would be nice at some point in the future.

enter smooth transition here

I have a hypothetical situation I want to throw out there and get feedback on. Say this person you love and want to marry ends up, through no fault of her own, to have this deadly disease. To consummate a potential marriage would involve contracting the disease on your own. For extra kicks, let's say that the life expectancy after contraction of this disease is only a couple of years. So, would you actually marry the person? And if so, actually consummate the marriage (after all, sex is an important part of marriage, in my completely single opinion)? Would doing so be really stupid, or really romantic? I'm curious as to your thoughts... (for what it's worth, the origin of this train of thought is not a desire on my part to get married to someone I know who has such a disease...or any disease, for that matter)


Blogger The Hawley's said...

Tough question! But, as with most hypothetical questions, I don't think anyone can give an umbrella "yes or no" answer.

I'd definitely suggest lots of prayer, since loving someone isn't the only reason you marry them. You may be demonstrating your love for her more by not marrying her. Or for that matter, she may demonstrate her love for you by not accepting your proposal and dooming you to an early death. Of course, our days are numbered before we are born, and the time and manner of our death is known only to God. So, I'm back to the prayer thing. If he's the only one who knows, why not ask him?

PS - Why are we not listed under "people"? Are we not people? Perhpas you should have a heading called "Non-people that live far away and are 'out of sight, out of mind'" and list us there...I expect to find us listed somewhere next time I check your blog.

9:25 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

I figured it was going to be a question like that...

As for your name, it's listed. Sorry. I haven't adjusted that part of the blog in a really, really long time. And I just called you a couple weeks ago, so don't give me this "out of mind" crap. When was the last time you called me?!? :)

11:51 AM  
Blogger The Hawley's said...

Ok, ok. E-mail me your phone number and I'll try to give you a call sometime. I no longer have a cell, so all the numbers went bye-bye. PS - Sorry it's so cold! I haven't even worn a jacket in at least a week. You should visit...golfing 365. Ah, the life (if you're a golfer...)

7:56 PM  

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