Too much sun, too little math
"Why can't God just forgive us at all?" is the wrong question. The question is really "How can a God who is so just and holy forgive us at all?"
Just a quick comment from the sermon today. I liked it, so you get to hear it. I thought it would be a good counterpoint to an argument that someone may or may not be making in the future.
Anyway, why does God give us absolutely gorgeous, mind-boggingly beautiful, and then put the final round of the Masters (amazing round, with a few truly memorable shots) and the Cubs (in an extra inning affair--Cubs win 6-5!) on TV, with mathematics to get done, windows to be cleaned, and a car to get washed. So, what do you guess happened? Shawn cleaned his windows, washed his car, watched golf, watched baseball, and is still waiting on that math to get started. Which means, to meet my self-imposed guideline of finishing the chapter and having done some problems by my meeting with Larsen on Tuesday at 10am, I have to read/comprehend 6+ pages tomorrow, which promises to be very nice as well.
Oh yeah, and I need to test out some new stuff from the swing workshop on Saturday at open dancing tomorrow. My legs are tight and tired, but the thought of more dancing is exciting. The instructors strongly encouraged us to be more conversational in our dancing, and focus on being more free and working with the music. This, of course, is completely against my mathematical, "do this move then this move" nature, but may also be why I enjoy it so much. There's something about hitting a kick, or a break, in your dance with a follow that also listens to you and the music, it's pretty cool. Maybe that's why I enjoy following so much when I dance (doing the "women's" part)...I don't have to think--just listen to the lead, listen to the music, and react. I've gotten quite a few compliments on my following--I may be the best lindy follower in the area....well, male lindy follower. :)
Just a quick comment from the sermon today. I liked it, so you get to hear it. I thought it would be a good counterpoint to an argument that someone may or may not be making in the future.
Anyway, why does God give us absolutely gorgeous, mind-boggingly beautiful, and then put the final round of the Masters (amazing round, with a few truly memorable shots) and the Cubs (in an extra inning affair--Cubs win 6-5!) on TV, with mathematics to get done, windows to be cleaned, and a car to get washed. So, what do you guess happened? Shawn cleaned his windows, washed his car, watched golf, watched baseball, and is still waiting on that math to get started. Which means, to meet my self-imposed guideline of finishing the chapter and having done some problems by my meeting with Larsen on Tuesday at 10am, I have to read/comprehend 6+ pages tomorrow, which promises to be very nice as well.
Oh yeah, and I need to test out some new stuff from the swing workshop on Saturday at open dancing tomorrow. My legs are tight and tired, but the thought of more dancing is exciting. The instructors strongly encouraged us to be more conversational in our dancing, and focus on being more free and working with the music. This, of course, is completely against my mathematical, "do this move then this move" nature, but may also be why I enjoy it so much. There's something about hitting a kick, or a break, in your dance with a follow that also listens to you and the music, it's pretty cool. Maybe that's why I enjoy following so much when I dance (doing the "women's" part)...I don't have to think--just listen to the lead, listen to the music, and react. I've gotten quite a few compliments on my following--I may be the best lindy follower in the area....well, male lindy follower. :)
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