Monday, January 16, 2006


From the December edition of the Notices

...he wondered whether a computer would ever find the sequence 0123456789 in "pi". ...he later discovered that this sequence actually had been found. In the unlikely case that readers would like to know, the run starts at pi's 17,387,594,880th digit.

So, I have a couple comments about this. First of all, it's just cool knowledge to know--not just the sequence, but where it occurs. Secondly, and more importantly, why wouldn't we want to know where in the run is?!? I mean, seriously--if they didn't tell us where it was, I was going to be very upset. This is a math magazine--I find the odds of us readers not wanting to know incredibly small...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe...good point. :)

want to try it yourself? go to . I've used it in class a few times this year.. :)

9:50 AM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Ok, that is like the coolest thing ever.

10:47 AM  

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