Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We Don't Really Fit In


I had the extreme pleasure to go to the IBCA (Indiana Basketball Coaches Association) coaches' clinic this past weekend. It was a blast, I learned a lot, saw I lot I think could be good to use, and am ready to start our next basketball season. Plus, I got to see Coach Crean (!!!) on Saturday when he came to make an appearance. Plus, other coaches made talks--Felicia Leggette-Jack from IU (women), Brad Stevens from Butler, Sean Miller from Xavier, and the coach from IWU. However, the most interesting talk, and most relevant to the current post, was the talk by current St. Louis coach Rick Majerus.

Now, to completely set this up, I should mention that the Friday evening sessions, of which this talk was one, also involved a college team so the coaches could use actual people to do stuff. The college they chose this year? Taylor University. How cool was that?

Anyway, during his talk, Rick Majerus starting picking on a guy on the TU team for a lazy pass. I think he was just trying to rile him up, but the guy wouldn't really react, although he did look annoyed at being teased in front of 400 basketball coaches. To get him worked up, though, Majerus start teasing him more and more. And more. And then the jokes got sexual (....just fake it....ask your girlfriend what that's like...). At one point later on he said he wanted to take the entire team out for a beer. For those who don't know, when you're at Taylor, you sign the LTC saying you won't have pre-marital sex or drink (among other things you abstain from in order to focus on community).

Now, most of the crowd laughed, but especially with my allegiance to Taylor and therefore the guys on the court, I felt uncomfortable for them. It just made more real to me that, even in an environment where I'm doing something I really do love doing, Christians are not "normal." We stand out. Things that are cool or normal for the rest of the world aren't in God's plan for us, and that will make us...well, different.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a christian myself, I've found that all you can do is hold your head up, and set an example that others will choose to follow if they wish. If not, then they will have to answer to God when the time calls for it.

11:37 PM  

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