Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh Yeah

Because of my crazy business this year, I had forgotten how much I enjoy swing dancing. Thanks to some Indy friends, we took a spur-of-the-moment trip to the lindy exchange (think: non-stop dancing for like 10 hours a night for multiple days in a row) in Columbus (Ohio). Now, I need to commend the exchange: there were some really good dancers there. Better than any other I've ever been to. It's so much fun to dance with a bunch of really good swing dancers, to the point where I don't really worry about asking a new person to dance because they're sure to be good. It was a ton of fun--I had a blast. I'm exhausted (only slept from about 3am until 8:30am, and that's getting awoken multiple times), but it was really natural and right in a lot of ways to be dancing again. Good stuff. Other good stuff? Sleep...


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