Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, while watching the NBA draft (first mistake), I was flipping through channels and somehow starting watching the show on MTV (second mistake). It was a show where two people who used to date but are currently dating other people spend the weekend together. (side note: why on earth would you possibly do this?) Since this is MTV, of course they do things like have dinner in bikinis/bathing suits in a pool, spending time learning to use a stripper pole, playing make-out games in a hot tub, or sleeping in the lone double bed in the room. What they don't know is their current "others" are watching everything they do for the weekend in a nearby room. In this episode, while the exes were having sex on their final night together, the current "others" get revenge by doing the same. Obviously, very high quality television.

But what blew my mind was the end of the show--the current girl(boy)friend got to confront the ex girl(boy)friend, and then the current relationships met. And both of them basically said: You cheated on me, which was horrible, so then I cheated on you, and you can't say anything about it. And both couples basically decided to ignore this and move on and get more serious and committed as a couple.

Are you serious?!?

I know sex isn't valued by society nearly as much as I think it should be, but it still blew my mind that it effectively meant nothing to these people. And you have to factor in the fact that these people would actually agree to go through this weekend anyway, so their mindsets are slightly different from mine, but come on. You're allowed to cheat as long as I get some too? According to our society, are relationships just a balancing act--just make sure you don't get hurt/taken advantage of more than me?

That's what I get for flipping through the channels....clearly more evidence that watching NBA is evil.


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