Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Something New

No, not getting married, although that's less than a month away, and definitely will be new and a shock to the system.

Rather, I'm about to take a short vacation with my family that's been planned for a long time. Which means, for the next couple weeks, I'm not going to see my fiancee. Now, we've spent close to a week apart before, but not really since we've been engaged, at least not in the last month.

So how does one deal with the time apart? Well, I'm sure we're going to talk some on the phone, but other than that, it will be quite the adjustment. I'm looking to really try to grow with God during this time, too, some "last minute lessons, so to speak."

Two weeks without being able to hold her, though? Most definitely be something new...


Blogger David Aukerman said...

Just wait until she gets a job out of town and you don't get to see her for half of each week. :)

But I don't want to minimize what you're about to experience... it's an adjustment that every married/engaged couple has to go through sometime. You'll make it, bum!

9:46 AM  

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