Sunday, April 17, 2005

Job (the person, not the occupation)

Job and his friends spent chapters 3-37, and then in comes God in chapters 38-41 and says "shut up and listen to me." Well, more or less...

Pastor Bob today related that to our prayer life. How often to we give Him our list of requests, and do a lot of talking, but don't actually listen much. I've been thinking about my prayer life right now. I want my prays to have more power, and I want to hear God more. I want praying to be a conversation with the Almighty. The anal part of me wants to dissect exactly how you just listen to God, and how you keep distractions out of your head (especially if you have a day full of things to do), but some of me just thinks you just do it and don't worry about that so much. Anyway, it that means more praying in tongues, less praying in tongues, I don't really care--as long as I'm getting in deeper and deeper communion with God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was Neil Anderson that said sometimes those distractions in your head are actually the Holy Spirit's way of letting you know what to pray about. I find that letting those "extraneous" thought re-direct me back to prayer helps keep me in a prayerful mode, plus I'm less hard on myself for supposedly getting off-track. The cool thing is that accepting those thoughts as a nudge from the Holy Spirit really is hearing from God, maybe in an elementary way. And it's great to think he wants to hear about the things that are on my mind!

9:41 AM  

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