Monday, May 08, 2006


I stopped by the health center today to get my first set of shots for my trip to Romania: tetanus in my left arm, Hep A/B combo in the right. The doc said the Hep will hurt more immediately, but the tetanus one will really be sore tomorrow. Apparently tomorrow comes's starting to get stiff and sore already. Almost as if it's about 15% numb...feels a little dead and heavy. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

On an unrelated note, anyone know a good place to get guitar picks? I think I'm going to buy like 10 of them, just to keep me in stock for a while...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

15% numb? I'm amazed that you distinguished between, say, 10% and 20%. :)

Any music store should have picks for sale... they're not particularly expensive. You might get a variety of thicknesses, though, just to see what they're all like. It's amazing how the pick can determine how your guitar sounds.

8:29 AM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Hey, 10% didn't seem enough, but 20% was just unreasonable. I'm not a wuss, after all. :)

Yeah, I have a thin and a thick pick. I don't like the sound of the thick one, but I'm afraid I'm just going to break the thin one. Of course, I prefer the sound of no pick above all, but it's hard to generate the volume without one. It's a rough life I lead...

12:32 PM  

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