Friday, May 12, 2006

Settlaz of Catan

Had a fun game of Settlers last night, intermixed with a crying, hungry, wet baby. It was a very interesting game, although I misplayed it rather well, unfortunately. I jumped out to a huge lead, which is always dangerous, and actually fell behind a little bit, before eventually hitting the 12-point mark (13 to win). Four turns later, I still hadn't won. I was one resource away at one point (if I could have traded a wheat for a wood, a brick, or a sheepity sheep sheep, I would have won). When last place hit his 5/36 chance to win (by drawing a merchant because he rolled a yellow on the event die) and came from behind to win, I would have won on the next turn as well. So aggravating. I'm too greedy--too much pride...I am renown in my office for playing Magic well by being just out of site until all of a sudden I win, and yet I don't do that at all in Settlers. I'm smarter than that...

Does this make me nerdy for blogging about this? Or am I irrevocably nerdy as it is?

Another interview next week, probably on the Bloomington area. And another the following Wednesday in Sullivan--apparently that first interview didn't go as poorly as it felt.


Blogger novice.knitter said...

You are, yes, irrevocably nerdy. Don't worry though, you wouldn't be Shawn if you weren't... as for the pride, I have been wondering about that. It seems to get in the way, doesn't it? Maybe God is making you aware of an issue that He wants you to surrender? Just a thought!

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice, comfy place you got here :)..

6:39 AM  

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