Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sordid tales of job searching

Ok, maybe not so sordid. Assuming I actually know the definition of sordid, at least, which is probably iffy at best.

Anyway, I got a call from the Mississinewa principal on Monday night, giving me her home phone to call her. Keep in mind, she said they would let us know about the most recent job opening a week ago yesterday. Well, I didn't get the message until after 10, so I called her about 9am at school the next morning. Apparently she went home sick, and so never got the message. So, I called her house then last night. Apparently, they gave the job to someone else (possibly the only other person they interviewed, assuming I understood her tenses right). But, they were so impressed by me that she spent the last week trying to convince the superintendent to find a way to hire me as well, in whatever way that worked out. Ultimately, though, she was unable to do so.

So, I'm a wonderful candidate that they want on their staff at almost any costs, except not good enough to get the actual job I was interviewing for. Sounds about right. What was this other candidate(s) like? Anyway, I'm choosing to view this (and the vague excuse given to me at Glenn) as despite my qualifications, God is saving me for a specific purpose, and so I'm getting lots of weird, vague denials. Is it possible to say that sentence and have it not be prideful?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that, bum... we know the feeling.

I might just omit the word "obvious" when referring to your qualifications. it's harder to read pride into your words that way. :)

2:00 PM  

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