Sunday, December 17, 2006

Long weekend

Nothing makes for a long weekend like two losses. Well, 3 if you count the JV. Both JV games this weekend were really exciting, with shots to win both games, while Friday's varsity game was pretty exciting. Last night we went up against the #3 ranked 3A team in the state, and just couldn't score enough points. 1 point in the first ten minutes will not win you very many games.

So, to add excitement of the weekend, I got a pretty bad headache today. It means I stayed home from church today (4 hours of driving with a throbbing head didn't sound fun), but gave me time to write some finals and prepare for the week of class work. Now all I have to do is do my Christmas shopping (not likely, since I don't feel like leaving the house) and make a power point presentation on my trip to Romania for my home church in case I give a talk over the break. Since I've never used power point before, at least not for very long or very seriously, we'll see how successful I am with a throbbing head.

On a potentially exciting note, there's a JV tourney next week. Which means, in particular, that only the varsity will be practicing. There's not 10 people on the varsity. The punchline being, of course, that I better get my playing shoes on, because I might have to practice some this week. Is there any way to get in shape in the next 48 hours?


Blogger petite américaine said...

You might be in trouble... ;) Good luck!

3:38 PM  

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