Saturday, January 20, 2007

Can't think of a "C" title

Can't think of much to write about, either. Things have been crazy busy with basketball and coach needing me to referee a lot of middle school games for him. That means lots of getting home at 9 or 9:30, which is a late time to be getting some kind of dinner prepared. I've also had a hard time getting motivated into doing a lot of lesson plans during the weekend, which means the weeks getting a little more stressful as I have to keep up to date on those. In an ideal world, I would always have a tentative plan a week in advance, but right now it's more like I know what I'm doing tomorrow...and that's not always planned, more I just know what I'm doing. I've never had to ad-lib or wing it yet, although I probably could, but I'm organized enough that it's a little disconcerting. Maybe God is teaching me a little on trust or something...


Blogger Penjammin said...

Best wishes in that. may you learn quickly and get a quickened lesson. :)

8:03 PM  

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