Saturday, March 31, 2007

Almost starting a zoo

So, I thought I was going to add a new animal to my little pond out back--a nice painter turtle.

Then I noticed it was floating in the water. And not moving. After further examination, it became clear that it was dead. So, either someone put a dead turtle in my pond, the turtle walked there to die (how did he find it?), or the turtle walked there to chill (how did he find it?) and my evil frog killed it, leaving no visible marks of anything foul.

Still no signs of my fish, which I assume is a good thing. There's so much algae in the little pond that he could stay at the bottom for weeks and not go hungry.

I need to get a life.


Blogger petite américaine said...

Well, then, wanna trade? I'd love to be all worried about a fish & a frog! lol

So, what kind of fish did you put in?

5:04 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

You keep asking me, and I keep ignoring because I don't know the answer. I just remember it being bigger than I expected...

7:02 PM  

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