Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Athletic Move of the Night

The other exciting event of the past basketball game took place during the varsity game.

I got tackled.

I was sitting on the bench, minding my own business, when a West Vigo player lunged for a loose ball. His momentum proceeded to take him into (and really, through) me as I'm sitting on a folding chair on our bench (note: he fortunately missed our head coach who was sitting next to me and is currently suffering from a broken collarbone). And here is where the athletic move takes place. The force of the hit moves the folding chair I was in backwards....and closes it. The chair ends up closed and propped up against the bleachers about four feet behind the bench. And I'm sitting on the chair. The chair got moved back four feet and closed, and through the whole time I stay on top of the chair. Not exactly sure how it happened, but I'm gonna take some credit for a nice athletic move nonetheless.


Blogger David Aukerman said...

Ooh, well done, bum. I wish I could see it on youtube... :)

As a side note, my word verification thing is "gcegd," which is almost a very intriguing guitar tuning. Or a C2 chord.

6:10 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Well, if we ever get the tape of the game from West Vigo...

Oh, and I try to make all my verifications to be chords.

Or not.

9:39 PM  
Blogger petite américaine said...

"On top", like, on the top of the back of the chair or "on top", like on top of the seat of the chair (I hope it's the first, 'cause the second sounds painful).

8:52 PM  

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