Productive night?
Modulo mathematics and church, last night was pretty productive for me. It started with a swing dance competition at the Stardusters' USO Dance. I showed up late, so the competition was the first two dances I danced on the night (I normally prefer a song or two to get my feet wet, a feel for the floor, a feel for the band/music, etc. before really dancing). Well, there were six couples, but my partner and I ended up taking home the trophy for first place. So, I am no longer an amateur dancer--I won a free CD and half a trophy. Not exactly sure why you have one trophy for the winning couple, but whatever works, I guess.
So, after the dance and a Steak 'n Shake run (nothing like dinner at 11:30 p.m.), I went to play some poker. Questionable decision to start a poker game at 1:00 a.m., but I hadn't really played all week, and I wanted to. Anyway, it becomes a lot more questionable when I have success, and so keep playing for a long time. I didn't get many cards throughout the night, but I played aggressively and smart and did fairly well. Eventually made an all-in call with a king and the board showing A-K-Q-10-9 to grab the chip lead, and eventually the tournament, netting me $20. Well played by Shawn indeed. Of course, the tournament didn't end until 3:30 a.m...
So, getting up at noon today, I have a day full of math ahead of me, since I'm meeting with Larsen tomorrow and am not really ready. Plus, I'm looking forward to some time with God. Besides that, maybe I can fit in some more poker... :)
On a more somber note, Sharon Fahler is a former swing club member (well, still kind of a member, in abstentia) whose two-week leave ended today as she heads back to Afghanistan. I thought about joining a group to surprise her at the airport and see her off this morning (she was unable to stop by club while she was home), but that involved getting up at 6:00 a.m. (or slightly earlier)--I probably still should have, even with the lack of sleep I would have been working on. It always strikes a little closer to home when someone you know (and have even danced with) heads back to possibly die. Here's sending you prayers and well-wishes, Sharon!
So, after the dance and a Steak 'n Shake run (nothing like dinner at 11:30 p.m.), I went to play some poker. Questionable decision to start a poker game at 1:00 a.m., but I hadn't really played all week, and I wanted to. Anyway, it becomes a lot more questionable when I have success, and so keep playing for a long time. I didn't get many cards throughout the night, but I played aggressively and smart and did fairly well. Eventually made an all-in call with a king and the board showing A-K-Q-10-9 to grab the chip lead, and eventually the tournament, netting me $20. Well played by Shawn indeed. Of course, the tournament didn't end until 3:30 a.m...
So, getting up at noon today, I have a day full of math ahead of me, since I'm meeting with Larsen tomorrow and am not really ready. Plus, I'm looking forward to some time with God. Besides that, maybe I can fit in some more poker... :)
On a more somber note, Sharon Fahler is a former swing club member (well, still kind of a member, in abstentia) whose two-week leave ended today as she heads back to Afghanistan. I thought about joining a group to surprise her at the airport and see her off this morning (she was unable to stop by club while she was home), but that involved getting up at 6:00 a.m. (or slightly earlier)--I probably still should have, even with the lack of sleep I would have been working on. It always strikes a little closer to home when someone you know (and have even danced with) heads back to possibly die. Here's sending you prayers and well-wishes, Sharon!
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