Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's about time

No, this isn't a cheap shot about Dave and Tara finally getting married....but that was.

Rather, this afternoon I finished typing up the stuff I know (or should know) from Hartshorne and algebraic geometry. TeX uses a lot of \, $, and {}, so I've gotten really good at those symbols. Basically, I typed up any definitions, results, or problems (I think important) up through section 6 of chapter 2. It started as a fun little project to help me review the material before I really just try to memorize it, but it turned into a much bigger project than I had planned, really to the point where I question if it was really worth it or not. But, that being said, it's done at this point, so I printed up what I have done....all 15 pages of it. That's right, 15 pages of 10 point font of mathematics. That's a lot of writing, and it's a lot to have to, for kicks, it's only about half of what I need to know in the *major* area of my TIER III. Yeah for orals!


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