Monday, June 06, 2005

Track and baseball

Spent Friday and Saturday night on my feet, and they didn't like it. Plus, I was the center of controversy on Friday night, as there was a big collision (runners falling, jumping over other runners, etc.) right in front of me. Luckily, some other umpires saw the incident--there were a lot of teams involved, and it was tough to remember everyone. Friday's meet in general was a mess, but the meet my dad was referee for (by process of elimination--Saturday) was as uneventful as realistically possible, whcih is nice. Plus, it's always good to see my parents. Today, I played some basketball and will do some swing dancing, so I may have to work on getting a backrub tonight--there's a in swing club who's willing to give me them. That's definitely something I'm going to have to work to not take advantage of...

At the risk of completely jinxing everything--how 'bout them Cubbies?!?! Hottest team in baseball--take 6 of 7 against two of the best teams in the West. Of course, we now play 3 games against the Blue Jays, Red Sox, Yankees, and the White Sox over the next two weeks. Let's here it for unbalanced schedules...


Blogger spocktongue said...

I blame myself.

Without fail, the Cubs come home and immediately lose 4-1. I should know better than to talk about the win streak, or even get my hopes up in the first place. :(

11:03 PM  

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