Being unemployed and without a life has its perks, I guess--that, of course, being a little bit of freedom. Last night after church, Caitlin and I came back to Carmel High School (how cool is it to walk around a stranged high school at 9pm on a Sunday night?) to work on a dance routine we need to do next Saturday in Muncie for her dad's barbershop concert thingy. Anyway, we put forth a good solid two hours of work going over stuff for three songs, but we really only did about 2.5. So, we need to spend some more time practicing, and with job interviews and whatnot, Monday or Tuesday are the only days to do that. As such, I crashed here tonight, and KTB and I will get together after school to continue working on it. The other advantage is that I can stop in and see the math department chair, as there will be numerous (and possibly in calculus) openings this summer at Carmel. So, I basically have two books with me to read, some Romanian I can study, and Elyssa's computer with which to amuse myself for the next 5 hours. I think I can handle this.... :)
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