Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm here!

It's great to be in my new place, and well into the process of getting settled. I said some great helpers in Bloomington, and Dave and Tara were great in TH with the unloading and the general set-up. All in all, a very productive day. I may end up stealing Tara away from Dave, though--she really liked the jacuzzi in my bathroom. :) Today has been great as well, as we spent lots of money I don't really have to get things like lawn-mowers (well, only one) and hedge clippers and whatnot. Up next is a trip to Kroger to get, among many others things, lots of Kleenex.

Kleenex is important, of course, because I am really sick. Maybe it's the living out of hotels for the past few weeks, or the physical exhaustion of teaching on less than ideal food, or a combination of those things, but yesterday (and still today some) I was exhausted and completely drained. Personally, I blame my students (hear that you guys?). Clearly, this is all there faults...them and their grubby, dirty little hands. If only I had a spleen to fight off all of this stuff....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh now this means war! You want to start a germ war at Sullivan? I'll bring my Sanitizer (or however in the hell you spell it) and we shall see what happens. Maybe if you wouldnt face or wonder around the room you wouldnt have gotten sick. Meh.. I bet it's the food. Sullivan's food has always sucked... and often causes diseases all on its own!

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, I can't compete with the jacuzzi. :) hope you get well soon, bum.

12:54 PM  

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