Friday, May 25, 2007

Free at last, free at last

School is out! We've been out since Tuesday...and I've slept in since Wednesday. :) Actually, it makes things like getting people to golf practice somewhat difficult, as a lot of them have jobs and whatnot, but other than that, it's nice to have a break. I get to sleep in, do a lot of yardwork, replace a crack in my windshield, not do lesson plans, and did I mention sleep in? Keep in mind, sleeping in means staying in bed until 7:40 this morning....the life of a teacher.


Blogger petite américaine said...

Ah, yes. Sleeping in 'till 8:00 and not having to worry about whether you're going to catch the latest thing making rounds in your school...breaks are what teachers live for! ;)

11:16 AM  

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