Heard a slightly new twist to a standard passage in Revelation today. In particular, the focus was on Laodicea. The pastor even started by saying, "Yeah, Laodicea, don't be luke warm, we're all luke warm, I get it." More to the point, though, was why was Laodicea lukewarm? They liked being completely self-sufficient--now that's something I can relate to. I try to do a lot by myself...including , and really almost take pride in it, but really how "self-sufficient" are we? Hint: very little. It's comforting to know that I can't do anything on my own. In particular, I have to rely on God for a lot...including becoming closer to Him. It comes back to the faith thing I mentioned before--knowing that He wants me close to Him, all I need to do is honestly search after Him. He will then lead me to Him, and show me how to get's not something I can make happen all by myself. This whole dependency thing might work...
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