Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'll take stupid baseball facts for 1000, Alex.

Italy won the World Cup today (btw, which nation was the only nation to get a point (or more) from the Italians? that's the USA, baby...and yet, we still can't play soccer). They have done that three previous times: in 1934, 1938, and 1982.

The Cubs are 4-0 on days Italy wins the World Cup.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the USA point against Italy is questionable, because their only goal in that game was scored by an Italian player... maybe it should be a half point or something. :)

but hey, go cubs. (you checked?)

have a good trip, bum...

2:47 PM  
Blogger spocktongue said...

Hey, when you're USA soccer, you have to take whatever you can.

And no, I did not check. It was at the bottom of a page on the Cubs website. I'm not *that* big a nerd...but it's close.

Less than 24 hours...

6:01 PM  

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