Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Which is worse?

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend spent a little over a week overseas. It was very annoying, and I didn't like not being in contact.

This week, my girlfriend is going through the final week before a show opens at DePauw. I'm going through the last week of basketball conditioning before the season starts. As such, our schedules almost, but not completely, fail to mesh. For the duration of this week, we will pretty much not see or talk to each other at all.

So, I pose the question: which is worse? Is it worse to have her overseas, knowing you won't be able to communicate in any way. Or is it worse to be 45 minutes away from each other, and yet know that you won't see, or probably even talk, to her? Almost like a big tease or something...

Now, as it turns out, we've been able to squeeze in a few minutes of phone time over the past couple days (like 20 minutes over the two days), but I've definitely wanted to hug her and comfort her through some stuff, and it's rough not being able to. But I think the question is still an interesting one--which is worse?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being overseas is definitely worse, b/c at least now, you know that if something happened, you could just drive to see her.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Penjammin said...

hmmm, anonymous makes a good point. Wait, no if something happened, flying wouldn't be out of the question, so I vote the opposite, cause distance is more intense condensed.

12:07 AM  

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