Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm a lush

Ok, maybe not. But, we were talking some about drinking on the golf course today (not actually doing it, of course). I have currently, at the time of this writing, have had alcohol twice in my life--getting some sips of wine at a wine tasting and at Oliver. This, of course, baffles the minds of my kids (both my students and my athletes). One of my athletes was trying to get me to admit I had ingested alcohol while in high school, which I didn't. He didn't believe me, so I mentioned I had only had alcohol twice. But, my latest "binge" took place this weekend, so when I mentioned "twice" and not "once," a student/golfer perked up and called me on it. When I explained, he seemed happy for me. As if I had accomplished something by taking my second "drink." I am now more on the way to being a man or something. Just an interesting occurrence. For the record--no one underage actually admitted to ingesting any kind of alcohol, and I would have no proof even if they had claimed it, so I think I'm "legally" covered.

What I failed to mention, of course, that both of these "events" took place with the same female. Apparently, whenever we get together, she gets me "drunk." :) I think that would have added to the story.

The most important "question," though, is can I use any more "quotes?"

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I was stoked because I was about to cash (deposit) the biggest check I've ever seen, but then I realized I was mildly mistaken. We're trying to close on the sale of my Bloomington house (Praise the Lord!), and it's tough when one of the important parties lives/works/coaches over an hour away. However, today I had a workshop in Indianapolis, so practice was cancelled, and when the workshop was over, I drove to Btown to take care of my end of things. I thought I was actually going to close, but it was just the papers I need to sign--the actual closing will take place on Monday. So, the lawyer is going to deposit the check into my account on his own, which is convenient for me, but means I don't get to hold a really big check. Now, a lot of the money goes to my parents, so it's not all mine, but it's still really exciting. I'm looking forward to not paying two mortgages...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Whaddya' think?

Rain with a few thunderstorms likely. High 64F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected.

That's the forecast, according to the Weather Channel, for tomorrow. What are the odds I have my golf match?

Note: We played the match. It was sunny and dry until our #3/4 golfers were on hole 9.

On a lighter note, God bless the Yankee's (lack of) pitching!

Friday, April 20, 2007

I feel like a ringer

Playing with some of our guys at practice today, and I was horrible. I have no short game, and I wasn't making real solid contact at any time. Well, after six holes, I suggested we played the last three holes as a competition of sorts--me and two of the guys versus the other three in our expanded group.

So, what do I do? On the par 5 seventh, I hit two mediocre shots, and then a crazy sick 9-iron from about 120 off a hilly lie to within a foot. Gotta love tap-in birdies. I feel bad, though, after playing so badly earlier to throw out a birdie on the first "competition" hole. Ahh well, they'll live.

By the way, if you are tired of posts about golf, you may not want to come back here for awhile....that's about the extent of my life right now.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Not cool....or maybe, too cool

It's the middle of April, the middle of golf season, I have a bright, vibrant, green lawn that has been freshly mown....and it's freakin' snowing out! Are you kidding me? I'm not even in the northern part of the state like my parents....this seems incredibly unfair.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Holding my own

Our golf team has started off our season roughly, though we're 3-0. However, one of the varsity guys has it stuck in his head that he can beat me, and so the last few practices we've had where we've played (and these are few and far between because of the crazy weather), I have played with his group so he can take his shot. And, as of this writing, I am currently 2-0. And today, it wasn't even close. To the tune of 5 or 6 shots. Now, I realize he's playing poorly right now (I'm not picking on him--he would agree), but it's nice to have this streak going...maybe I'm not quite the moron I appear to be. And hopefully, I'll be able to continue this streak, well, indefinitely. :)

Friday, April 06, 2007

I really am that stupid

For those of you in the area, you know what kind of day today was. It was freezing cold (quite literally), and the wind was blowing like crazy. I had the fortune of a day off--apparently Sullivan always gets Good Friday off. How did I spend this freedom on a crazy cold day?

By golfing. Eighteen holes. Did I mention it was freezing? Did I mention the windchill was in the teens? Did I mention I forgot I have UnderArmour and left it at home?

When it gets cold, the ball becomes a rock. It goes really really not far. 20-30 mph wind tends to blow through the five layers you may be wearing. Oh, and it's hard to get a feel for, well, anything (especially a golf club) when you can't feel your fingers (and I kept my gloves on the entire time. To give you a picture of the experience: the 11th is a 180-yard par 3. I teed off with my 3-wood. I normally hit my 3-wood 210-215 yards. I hit it well, with a nice, soft fade. Where did it end up? 20 yards short of the green. 20 yards. It wasn't even close. How demoralizing.

Did I mention I paid to do this? Ok, it was preparing my team to play in the tournament at this course tomorrow morning (thus the need to practice in these temperatures), so it's excuseable, but still....very, very stupid.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

It is well

The grass is cut, the sun is shining, it's 70, Baseball Tonight (and then baseball) is on TV, and I'm teaching the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. All is well in the world.