So, I was talking with a good friend who I consider to be fairly advanced in the faith. She is attending a small group in which she feels very connected and edified, and considers her groupmates (better word?) to be solid Christians as well. Anyway, she came to find out a few days ago (well, weeks at this point...I'm a little slow) that many of the people in the group do not believe in the Trinity. In particular, Jesus was not God. Rather, the term Son of God somehow denotes son in a non-begotten sense.
Which got me to thinking--how does one translate certain passages to make this an intellectually plausible view? For instance, Isaiah 9:6 refers to the Messiah as "Mighty God." In particular, the same Hebrew word is used here as in Isaiah 10:21, which is refering to God Himself (thank you Jews for Jesus pamphlet). In Genesis 1:26, it talks about God making man in "our" image, not "His" or "my" image. In John 1:1, it talks about the Word being with God and actually
being God. These are just a few that came to mind...
So seriously, I want audience participation here. I realize the concept of the Trinity is very difficult to understand, and on face may even be distasteful, but I feel like you sacrifice too much in terms of Scripture to make that view acceptable. Just because something is difficult to understand doesn't make it false. In one sense, Christianity isn't "easy." Understanding God isn't "easy."
How would someone holding this view deal with passages like what I mentioned?