Friday, September 29, 2006

To Dance or Not To Dance

That is the question. Whether it is noble in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of classes full of students hoping that I had come to their homecoming dance tonight, or to face the risk of being one or two of the only teachers who shows up. Basically, my two algebra classes both seem to want me to come to the dance tonight (and maybe more relevantly, bring along my Greencastle friend), and show off some swing. Now, either they know that interest in swing is kind of a buzzword for me, or they really want to learn some, and it's hard to resist that. But, from the teachers that I've talked to, no teachers show up to these things. So, what do you guys think? Should I actually go, and coerce my friend to come? Or should I just stick with my normal sleep cycle and do what most/all teacher's normally do? It's not like I know how to dance non-swing songs...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I hate being a jerk

But, I'm going to have to. One of my classes is just getting out of control, and I'm tired of dealing with it. And this isn't the "I stayed up until 11:30 with a friend" talking, either. But, I'm going to talk again with my elder next door, and some heads are going to get knocked, I think. Not my style, but they're forcing my hand. So, prayer that I am discerning but do what I need to do, even if it ruffles some (a lot) of feathers.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Wet and tired

So, what's a good way to prepare for a day of lifting furniture in and out of UHauls, up and down stairs, all while rain falls and wind blows? How about staying up really late the night before? I mean, like 2 hours late. It's not my fault--how am I supposed to go to bed with cute company at my place?

I was bringing a friend to the Sullivan football game last night, but the game didn't happen. At least, I think it didn't happen. After 45 minutes, it was still lightninging (the act of producing lightning would be lightninging, right?), so we went back home. Not before, of course, my friend (who was female) was seen by some of my students...can we have an over-under on when I'm going to start hearing about this at school on Monday? She even gave her name, which I thought was gutsy. :)

So, we ended up getting pizza and watching Jonah (she hadn't seen it--can you believe that? that's like, blasphemy or something). Afterwards, we just started chatting, but of course she wanted to make me stay up *way* past my bedtime. Theatre majors tend to work on a sligtly different schedules than teachers. :) So, I'm going to bed at 10:10 tonight. Can we say "old fogey?"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Swing, Basketball, and God (but not in that order)

What prompts me to start running the night after getting completely wiped out (and staying up too late) swing dancing like a madman? Maybe because I tired so early last night...or maybe that's because all the follows showed up ten minutes before my bedtime. All that to say my legs are sore...

Anyway, I meant to post this closer to Sunday, but between basketball conditioning (Is it bad that I feel a lot of pride being a basketball coach? It feels so cool, even just to say, even if I haven't done much yet.) and dancing last night, I've gotten behind on a few things. God bless GQE to make my evenings a little easier...

While worshipping, I got this picture of God as King. More to the point, He was King of me. I was a country, and He was King. Simple enough? My sins and struggles are not a civil war in this country. Rather, they are like a border skirmish. They will be dealt with in time, when the King deals with things He deems more important. Not that He's ignoring sin in my life, or anything like that, but rather He may be dealing with other issues so that I when I truly deal with these issues, they will be *permanently* dealt with. A real transformation of my heart, so to speak. The important thing to realize, in all of this, is that these skirmishes in no way jeopardize His rule. He is, and will eternally be, King of my country. Amen.

There are some other aspects that I think may build on this (the idea of part of me trying to "secede") that I'm still working with, but that was main idea that initially came to me during worship. So, I thought I would share. :)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tragedy averted

No team in Major League Baseball history has gone an entire season without a complete game.

After games on September 15, the number of complete games by Chicago Cubs pitchers was zero.

The Cubs were effectively starting 5 rookies in the rotation, as our ace has missed the past two weeks with a back injury.

After games on September 16, the number of complete games by Chicago Cubs pitchers was one.

The Cubs are still horrible, but at least we're not record-setting horrible.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sex and purity

It officially happened today--some of my views on sex came out today. Someone asked about my marriage affiliation (whether I am or not--even though everyone probably knows that already), and instead of answering I raised up my naked left hand. Of course, they quickly rebutted by saying I wore one on my other hand. A girl then stated it was the wrong hand, but then asked what my ring was for. So, I told her it was a purity ring. She responded, "Oh. *pause* OOOOhhhhhh....." Then they asked all kinds of questions, ranging from "would I date someone who isn't 'pure'" to "what if I met someone and she wanted to 'take things to another level.'" I told them this wasn't really an option, or something negotiable with my potential girlfriend. This is how is was. And really, am I going to be seriously dating someone who isn't going to respect that and probably desire the same thing? The bell then rang, so there wasn't much chance to observe/analyze their response to this information....but I'm a little curious as to their thoughts. I guess this is one way to talk about God in the classroom without mentioning His name. :)

As a side, what kind of hits am I going to get for having sex and naked in the same post?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

From the department of redundancy department

Sportscenter twice used the phrase "walk-off game-winning hit."

Aren't most walk-offs game-winners?

Monday, September 11, 2006


So, today in one of my early classes, one of my students (whose aim is to find out every possible piece of information about me) asked what I did this weekend, in particular Saturday night--she had wanted to me to go clubbing to find a woman. So, I told her I spent the night talking on IM, and after a few more questions it was revealed that this mainly took place with a lady friend. Now, this lady friend currently lives five hours away, doesn't believe in long-distance relationships, and we've actually only really known each other for a couple months. But, of course, that does not stop them from going nuts on this... So, now Shawn has a love interest, at least in the minds of my students. So, what's the best way to play this? Do I play this up into more than it is, and so I'll at least have control over what they think and who they suggest I hook up with? Or do I actually tell them the truth? Of course, half of them probably read this anyway.... Better yet, if I go and visit this person, or she comes and visits me (maybe over Christmas break?), is that going to send the rumor wheels running off the charts? Oh what fun...if it's Shawn's love life, it can't be simple.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mi casa

So, it occurred to me as I continue to unpack stuff that most people (basically, not the Bums and kind of Katie) haven't seen anything about my place. So, I figured I would post a few pics. But, as much as the inside is really cool, I like the view outside even better. And since my camera charger thingy is broken (blame Romania) and my battery life is very limited, you just get a few pics of the view from my place. First, the front:

Then, the view to the southwest:

Now, the west:

And the northwest, along my huge deck:

And the obligatory cutesie picture:

So--maybe this should be a theme: how would Yoda say "the obligatory cutesie picture?"

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Almost here

The weekend is almost here, and I am very happy about that. It's been crazy, trying to get things put away here, plan for the week, write tests for next week, and get everything set up in my new house. Finally, today I made arrangements for internet, cable, and a landline (so, my lovely students, you can start looking for that number starting tomorrow). Tomorrow, I'm just basically reviewing a few things and giving some quizzes, so it shouldn't be too stressful tomorrow, assuming I can sleep better than I did the last two nights. I didn't really get a break last weekend with the move, so a low-key few days with some sleeping in is very welcome.

So, two nights ago, I had a very realistic dream about Romania. In particular, I was spending next summer there (like, for a month or so). And by realistic, I mean one of those dreams where you either know you are dreaming, or it was from God, or both. When I got back, I kind of wondered if this whole "leaving during the summer" thing might become a recurring habit--I could live with that, I think. But, will it always be Romania? So, definitely something to be praying about. Had my first worship on the deck tonight, which was cool. I'm going to really enjoy worshipping on there...

Random thought I had tonight--how would Yoda say "talk to you later?" I kind of like the idea of him saying "talk later you to," but "talk later to you" might be good, too. Any thoughts? And by thoughts, I want thoughts on the question, not things like "you are a nerd."

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm here!

It's great to be in my new place, and well into the process of getting settled. I said some great helpers in Bloomington, and Dave and Tara were great in TH with the unloading and the general set-up. All in all, a very productive day. I may end up stealing Tara away from Dave, though--she really liked the jacuzzi in my bathroom. :) Today has been great as well, as we spent lots of money I don't really have to get things like lawn-mowers (well, only one) and hedge clippers and whatnot. Up next is a trip to Kroger to get, among many others things, lots of Kleenex.

Kleenex is important, of course, because I am really sick. Maybe it's the living out of hotels for the past few weeks, or the physical exhaustion of teaching on less than ideal food, or a combination of those things, but yesterday (and still today some) I was exhausted and completely drained. Personally, I blame my students (hear that you guys?). Clearly, this is all there faults...them and their grubby, dirty little hands. If only I had a spleen to fight off all of this stuff....